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1990 Berlin

April 24, 2023

welcome to the 2. International Lesbian-Volleyball-Tournament  in Berlin!
We are glad, that there are more teams out of Europe participating  in the games this year.

For us it was more difficult to organize the tournament this time. Till now the government of Berlin is not willing to support us financially. We are still waiting for response.

Berlin got hit by the dream of being  Capital and Olympiatown. It seems that the affairs from groups standing outside the “common” way of life won’t fit into this picture Berlin likes to represent.
Because of this situation, for us it is very important to realize the tournament and so to make aware of our presens in public.
Till now 24 teams are registered, therefore the atmosphere won’t be that cosy it was last time, but we hope you all will have a great time.

We are looking forward to start finally-
the tournament-team from “Seitenwechsel”

Many thanks to the lesbian section of the university, the Gay-Games-Group, Fraueninfothek, Ökofond and all the womyn, who helped us with their time and energy to realize this special event.

P.S. Finally one week before the tournament starts we have a big chance to get supported by the BERLIN GOVERMENT. In this case we will thank them.

Program 1990

Friday, Oct., 26th: 6 pm till midnight
– welcome with a glas of champagne in the womyns coffeebar “Schokofabrik”
– arranging the sleeping facilities
– handing out the program and further informations

Saturday, Oct., 27th: 11 am
– welcome at the gym Zeughofstr./Wrangelstr.
– 11.30 am all-together warm-up with music
-12.30 pm mixed-tournament
– 7 pm the gym will be closed
– 8 pm buffet at tha AL-House
(House in the rear court)
Badensche Str. 29, 1000 Berlin 31

Sunday, Oct., 28th: 11 am
– Welcome at the gym
– Zeughofstr.
– 11.30 am: warm-up
– 12.30 city-tournament
– 5 pm: final
– 6 pm: congratulation and prices
– 7 pm: the end

participants and no(!) levels (21 Teams)

All Teams played in one levelCITYBaselBasel/SwitzerlandNetzo IAmsterdam/NetherlandsNetzo IIAmsterdam/NetherlandsThe LadiesHaarlem/NetherlandsRrasant IHamburg/GermanyRrasant IIHamburg/GermanyArtemisFrankfurt/GermanyAqua fria in kamalaKassel/GermanyRosa Zora IKöln/GermanyRosa Zora IIKöln/GermanyAmazonenMünchen/GermanyNürnbergNürnberg/GermanyWittenNürnberg/GermanyWuppertalWuppertal/GermanyLautstark IBerlin/GermanyLautstark IIBerlin/GermanyVolldabey IBerlin/GermanyVolldabey IIBerlin/GermanySolidaritätBerlin/GermanyImmerhin IBerlin/GermanyImmerhin IIBerlin/GermanyImmerhin IIIBerlin/Germany

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