Hello women!
Welcome to the Netzo-tournament in Amsterdam. The past few months we have worked very hard to make this tournament possible and we hope we will succeed in providing a good volleyball weekend.
The maximum number of teams that can take part in this tournament is 33. Regrettably, because more teams applied, we had to disappoint some women. It does mean, however, that in this weekend we will play volleyball with about 250 lesbians. That is even a larger number of volleyball players than at the Gay Games in Vancouver last year.
Half of the teams are from the Netherlands, and the other half from Germany, France and Belgium. We have done our utmost to contact teams from other countries as well, but did not succeed. We hope that on a next tournament we can also greet volleyball playing lesbians from England, Finland, Hungary and Spain!
Last autumn in Berlin a Netzo team managed to snatch away the challenge trophy, made by German women. Since then it has been standing in the women’s pub Saarein in Amsterdam. The trophy is now dusted and polished and we wonder who will take it home this year. But above all we wish you a great tournament!
The organization:
The names of these Lady are not released here. We want to save privacy. (webmistress)
Friday 17 May
20.00 – 24.00 Registration for the tournament (in COC Amsterdam, Rozenstraat 14)
Saturday 18 May
09.30 – 10.00 Final registration (in Sporthallen Zuid) for the teams arriving on Saturday
Distribution of the game schedules
10.00 Opening of the tournament
10.05 – 13.00 Warm-up
Mixed games
13.00 – 14.00 Taking a break and picture taking time
14.00 – 18.00 Competition
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner
21.00 – 02.00 Let’s party!
Sunday 19 May
11.00 – 17.00 The games continue
17.00 – 18.00 The finals
18.00 Distribution of the prizes
Closing the tournament
Level ACityBirget EnglesFreiburg/GermanyImmerhin 1Berlin/GermanyLautstarkBerlin/GermanyNetzo 1Amsterdam/HollandNetzo 2Amsterdam/HollandNouvelleHamburg/GermanyPinksterrenAmsterdam/HollandVolldabey 1Berlin/GermanyVolldabey 2Berlin/GermanyLevel BCityAmazonenMünchen/GermanyContre PiedParis/FranceDe JanssensHollandEls CatryBorgerhout/BelgiumFraneker GirlsArnhem/HollandImmerhin 2Berlin/GermanyKasselKassel/GermanyNetzo 3Amsterdam/HollandRosa Zorra 1Köln/GermanyRRasant 1Hamburg/GermanyRRasant 2Hamburg/GermanySchoppenvrouwUtrecht/HollandThe LadiesHaarlem/HollandZoz(o)oAmsterdam/HollandLevel CCityAndersHeelsum/HollandArtemis SportFrankfurt/GermanyDe VerhuizersAmsterdam/HollandGewoon Lekker BallenAmsterdam/HollandGTSTAmsterdam/HollandGulli ok?Den Bosch/HollandHamburg SpontanHamburg/GermanyNetzo 4Amsterdam/HollandPlopGoes/HollandRosa Zorra 2Köln/Germany