Dear Ladies,
Welcome to our volleyball meeting in Haarlem, the Fifth Spring Dike Tournament!
Right from the start, shortly after the Hamburg adventure, we assumed to be organising an international tournament of 24 teams at the most. Much to our surprise – and despair – the invitation to join was met with an overwhelming response. No less than 41 teams enthusiastically wrote they would like to come. Little did we know of the heart breaking affair of having to dissappoint eleven teams. (Life is hard and then you die)
In addition, we almost turned Haarlem inside out, hunting spare beds or at least some space to sleep. We have even asked the Mayor herself and just as we were about to petition the Queen, the Municipality was willing to help us out. Therefore, all women can sleep in Haarlem, allbeit some in the playing hall. Without the hospitality of your hostesses this tournament would have never come true, many thanks to them!
In this booklet you will find the program, a list of particpating teams, and the address of some restaurants that charge reasonable prices. In view of the many tourists in this area during Eastern, it is a good idea to have a table reserved in advance.
On Saturday evening you may wish to see the moovie we have arranged for to be shown in the Toneelschuur. Reservations can be made with us on Friday evening or Saturday until three pm.
We are pleased to welcome you, so many volleyball-and-so-forth-loving dikes from seven European countries; the Spring Dike Tournament is becoming a tradition…
Wishing you heaps of fun,
Your Ladies
20.00 HRS Reception at Donna Donna and the C.O.C.
Music played by the Haarlem Street Orchestra
10.00 HRS Sports hall opens
10.30 HRS Warming-up with the unforgettable Renee de Jager
11.00 HRS Start of the tournament
17.30 HRS The lottery
21.00 HRS Salmonberries in the TONEELSCHUUR
10.00 HRS Sports hall opens
10.30 HRS Warming up
11.00 HRS Start of the tournament
18.00 HRS Closing of the tournament
19.00 HRS Wandelend Buffet, the joint meal by Griffioen
Piano music by Marjolein
21.00 HRS Prize distribution
En dan, tot in de kleine uurtjes FEEST
Jeanette vingert aan de knoppen.
And then the … PARTY, until long into the night
Jeanette is disk jockey.
During the weekend there are photo exhibitions in the C.O.C. and in Donna Donna.
Advanced:CityAlles DrinBerlin/GermanyAmazonenMünchen/GermanyAndersOosterbeek/NetherlandsContrepiedEvry/FranceDynamo DykesLondon/EnglandFraneker GirlsArnhem/NetherlandsGewoon Lekker BallenAmstelveen/NetherlandsImmerhinBerlin/GermanyLadiesHaarlem/NetherlandsLeuchtkugeln LeuvenLeuven/BelgiumMarantanaWien/AustriaMuggenmeppers Netzo IIIAmsterdam/NetherlandsNimm DuHamburg/GermanyPlopGoes/NetherlandsRosa Zora IIKöln/GermanyRrassant IIHamburg/GermanyV.B.C. SexiswellWald/SwitzerlandVollust IIBerlin/GermanySpecialists:CityAmazonen IMünchen/GermanyLautstark IBerlin/GermanyLautstark IIBerlin/GermanyLila FunkenKöln/GermanyNetzo IAmsterdam/NetherlandsNetzo IIAmsterdam/NetherlandsNouwelleHamburg/GermanyPinksterrenAmsterdam/NetherlandsRrassant IHamburg/GermanyVollust IBerlin/Germany