Of course we all think that our own city is the most beautiful of all, but in our case, this pride is very widespread. Easter 2006 you will have the chance to form your own opinion of Hamburg!
You’ll find tips and sightseeing suggestions on this site based on personal preferences – Hamburg offers so much that this selective view was necessary.
Like all big cities, Hamburg also has its own very informative Websites where you can find the kind of information that we have perhaps neglected:
Information about the queer community in Hamburg: Queer im Netz.
Events and information about lesbian living in Hamburg (only german): escape – Hamburgs Magazin für Lesben.
Here you can click directly on tips for lesbians and gay men in Hamburg, including practical tips, sightseeing suggestions and places to go (cafés, restaurants and bars).
The tournament schedule has been made, and we have managed to fulfill almost every single request regarding playing level.
We didn’t get enough teams to fill levels A+ and A- so we have put the two levels together.
There are 12 teams each competing on levels A, C+ and C- and fifteen teams each competing on levels B+ and B-. Each team will play seven or eight games.
The gymnasiums are already booked for Saturday, the first day of the tournament. Some of the teams will have to go to a different gym on Sunday. This will depend on your place in the table.
The Shorty Games will be taking place at the Sorbenstrasse gym on Sunday starting at 1 p.m. That’s also where the A and B+ level finals will take place.
1. Artemis I
2. Sprunghaft
3. Queerpass 2
4. Orgateam
5. Annemie
6. Goud 1
7. Marantana I
8. Dynamo Dykes Too
9. Wilde Mischung
10. Net even anders (NEA)
11. Eisprung links
12. Xanthippe
13. Dynosaurs
14. Happ ich
15. Dom Effis 2
1. Towandas reloaded
2. Netzo Free
3. Las Zorras
4. Goud 2
5. Artemis 2
6. Guud druff
7. Futch & bemme
8. Elbfeen
9. Tchoc Lapin
10. Eisprung rechts