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2007 Reykjavík

February 8, 2024


The 19th European Lesbian Volleyball Tournament will be held in Reykjavik Iceland from April 6 to 8, Easter 2007.


Friday April 6: Welcoming party 18:00-24:00

Saturday April 7: Tournament 9:00-16:00

Saturday April 7: Blue lagoon trip 16:00-21:00

Sunday April 8: Tournament – mixed teams 10:00-15:00

Sunday April 8: End of tournament dinner and party 19:00-Monday April 9: Whale watching tour

Welcoming partyFriday April 6, between 18:00-24:00.

You will get the tournament brochure, pass, map of Reykjavík and bus map. Hopefully you will meet your hosts or get directions on how to go to the place where you will stay during the weekend.  Last but not least you will meet women from other teams.

LocationSamtökin ’78 – The Gay Community CentreLaugavegur 3 – 4th floorCity centre

TournamentSaturday April 7 – Division 1-3:  9:45-15:45 (doors open 8:30)Sunday April 8 – Mixed teams:  10:00-15:00 (doors open 9:00)

Opening event and joint warm up will take place at 9:00 Saturday.Packed lunches will be handed out between 11:00-13:00 each tournament day.First aid and massage will be available.Please note that the sports hall closes at 16:30 Saturday and 16:00 Sunday. It is important that everybody has left the house before that. If you don´t have time for a shower at the sports hall you can go to the swimming pool next door.On Saturday at 16:00 a bus will take those interested to the Blue Lagoon.

LocationThe tournament will take place at a sports hall in the Árbær district of Reykjavik:  Fylkishöll  Fylkisvegur 6ÁrbærThe sports hall is next to the swimming pool Árbæjarlaug. Players can take a shower, go for a swim or soak in a hot tub at Árbæjarlaug (or any other swimming pool) for 350 ISK. You can also buy a 10x admission tickets for 2200 ISK. It is ideal for groups.

How to get thereTake bus number 19 from Hlemmur or Ártún.  Hlemmur and Ártún are good change stations for routes coming from other districts of Reykjavík. Get off at Fylkisvegur and walk about 300 metres. Unfortunately the bus schedule dosen´t start until 13:00 on Sunday. Therefore you will need to go by car or taxi that morning. Driving from Bæjarháls you can follow the swimming pool sign to find the sports hall.

RulesOn Saturday the teams will compete in 3 divisions.On Sunday there will be mixed teams.Each match is two twelve minutes sets.Game can end 2-0, 1-1 or 1,5-0,5.Each team has to make sure they know when they are refereeing and pick up the match information in time at the main desk which will be located in the sports hall.It is very important that the teams refereeing will show everyone the respect to be ready on time so we can keep the tight schedule.

TeamsTeam From

DD Won London, EnglandDD Too London, EnglandDD Three London, EnglandKMK Reykjavík, IcelandKokolores Düsseldorf, GermanyLonvecrow Cologne, GermanyLas Chicas München, GermanyNetzo 1 Amsterdam, HollandNetzo Free Willy Amsterdam, HollandNimmDu Hamburg,GermanyOne Armed Bandits Norwich, EnglandRrasant Hamburg, GermanyWhere is the nearest hot spring? Amsterdam, Holland

Saturday results

  1. division Teams Points1 Netzo 1 102 DD Won 73 Kokolores+Lonvecrow 44 Rrasant 3
  2. division Teams Points1 Where is the nearest hot spring? 102 DD Too 8,53 NimmDu 34 Las Chicas + 3 KMK 2,5
  3. divison Teams Points1 Netzo Free Willy 92 KMK 7,53 One Armed Bandits 54 DD Three 2,5Sunday results
  4. division Teams Points1 Hrísey 3,52 Viðey 23 Surtsey 0,5
  5. division Teams Points1 Engey 32 Dyrhólaey 33 Grímsey 0
  6. divison Teams Points1 Papey 2,52 Flatey 23 Málmey 1,5
  7. division Teams Points1 Heimaey 32 Hjörsey 23 Drangey 1

Available tripsBlue lagoon trip SaturdayA trip to the Blue Lagoon will be offered on Saturday after the matches.The matches will be finished around 15:45 and then everyone will go directly to the bus that leaves around 16:00. Players who prefer not to go to the Blue Lagoon can soak in a hot tub in the swimming pool next to the sports hall.The ticket for the Blue Lagoon costs 850 ISK. The bus fare costs 650 ISK.The totol fee 1500 ISK will be collected in the bus. Please have cash ready.We will go back by bus to Reykjavik at 20:00.

You can get free beer on Saturday evening if you show your tournament pass at:Q barIngólfsstræti 3City centreAtt: Limited beer available.

Whale watching tour MondayA whale watching trip will be offered on Monday. You can choose between trips at 9:00 and 13:00. The trip takes about 3 hours. Those interested can come a little bit earlier and visit the whale centre. The whale watching ship leaves from the old harbour of Reykjavik (pier Ægisgarður), which is located at Ægisgata. Lækjartorg is a good bus change station.The trip costs 2000 ISK. Please show your tournament pass at the entrance.

Practical informationYou can get brochures and maps of Reykjavik at the BSÍ Bus Terminal in Reykjavik if arriving by bus from the airport. They will also be handed out at the Friday welcoming party with the tournament programme. We would also like to introduce to you The Tourist Information Centre which is located in Aðalstræti 2 in the city centre.Below you can get practical information on various things.

FlightsThe aeroplanes will arrive at Keflavik International Airport (Leifur Eiríksson Air Terminal) which is about 50 km from Reykjavik. Here are links to airlines that fly to Iceland.Iceland Express http://www.icelandexpress.comIcelandair www.icelandair.comBritish Airways www.britishairways.comSAS www.sas.se/enYou can see available transfer flights on www.dohop.com/en/ flight planner.

Travel from the airportThere are three ways to travel from the airport to Reykjavik. By bus, by taxi or by hired car. Please note that there are no railways in Iceland!You can take the Flybus from Keflavik to BSÍ Bus Terminal which is near the city centre. The cost of one-way transfer for one person is about 1.100 ISK (Icelandic krona). Taxis are also available outside the terminal for any destination in Reykjavik. The cost of one-way transfer for 1-4 persons is about 7.500 ISK and for 5-8 persons about 9.500 ISK. There are several car rentals located at the air terminal. Further information can be found at the terminals´ website www.flugstod.is/english/.

Hotels and guesthousesA list of hotels and guesthouses is available at Visit Reykjavik www.visitreykjavik.is/ and Your official travel guide to Iceland www.icetourist.is/.Following hotels and guesthouses offer discount if mentioning the tournament:Fosshotel BaronGuesthouse SunnaReykjavik City HostelSee more information on special prices.

Buses in ReykjavikSingle bus fare inside Reykjavik costs 280 ISK. Remember to ask for transit ticket if you have to change buses. In Reykjavik, bus drivers do not give change. You can buy cheaper multi bus tickets to share.You can plan your bus trips at www.bus.is/english.

WeatherHere you can read about the current weather in Iceland:http://www.mbl.is/mm/frettir/vedur/index.html?en=1http://www.vedur.is/english/vedurisland_ensk.html

What to do in your spare timeWe would like to point out that Easter in Iceland is a public holiday and therefor more quiet than normal. We recommend:Blue lagoon: www.bluelagoon.comCafe Kósý – a very small café/bar.Get a „birds eye“ view over Reykavik from Hallgrímskirkja church tower: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallgr%C3%ADmskirkjaVisiting Samtökin ´78 – The Icelandic Association of Lesbians and Gay Men – bar and library: www.gayice.is/There are no lesbian-only places in Iceland!

Useful linksBSÍ Bus Terminal: www.bsi.is/index_english.htmlFlybus: www.flybus.is/GayIce.is: www.gayice.isLeifur Eiriksson Air Terminal www.flugstod.is/english/Reykjavik.com – Dining in Reykjavik, what´s happening in Reykjavik, culture and travel: www.reykjavik.comVisit Reykjavik – The official website of Reykjavik Capital of Iceland: www.visitreykjavik.is/What´s on in Iceland www.whatson.is/whats_on/Your official travel guide to Iceland: www.icetourist.is/

LodgingKMK has the pleasure in announcing the following information regarding  accommodation for Easter 2007.

Hosted housingHosted housing is on short supply so it will be offered on a “first come first served basis”. This is offered from Friday to Monday only. Any arrangements about extra days will have to be made with the host. Requests for housted housing can be made on the registration form.

School accomodationWe have managed to get access to a school:Korpuskóli, Bakkastaðir 2.Accommodation has been offered to us for 300-350 women in a school. Women will have access to a kitchen, showers, wc and a washing machine. Everyone has to bring their own mattress and a sleeping bag.This accommodation will be available only from Friday to Monday.You can apply for “school accomodation” for these days on the registration form. Then book extra days at alternative accomodation mentioned below, if required.

Hotels and guesthouses – special offersYou will find below places that have special offers on accommodation for women coming to the tournament:

Reykjavík City Hostel, Sundlaugarvegur 34, 105 Reykjavík.Tel. 354-553 8110. Fax. 0354-588 9201. info@hostel.isRooms for 2-6 persons with or without a bath. Room for 6 without a bath is 1400 ISK pp per night. Room for 4-6 with a bath is 1700 ISK pp per night.

Fosshotel Baron, Barónstígur 2-4, 101 Reykjavík.Up to 90 rooms and few appartments have been made available with 50% discount for women coming to the tournament. Double room is 6500 ISK per night. When making a reservation mention that you are coming to Reykjavík for the tournament . Bookings must be made before January 15th 2007 on this e-mail vala@fosshotel.is if you want the discount.

Guesthouse Sunna, Þórsgata 26, 101 Reykjavík.Tel. +354-511 5570. Fax. +354-551 2832. www.sunna.is15% discount for participants of the tournament (proof of registration  required).


Tournament Reykjavik, April 6, 7 and 8, 2007

KMK is working hard to offer you a great mix of sports, party, food and fun … during the Easter weekend…

Dear volleyball friends,

You are kindly invited to participate in the 19th International Lesbian Volleyball Tournament hosted in Reykjavik (Iceland) on April 6-8.

Traditionally, the volleyball weekend starts with an informal welcome on Friday evening. The volleyball games will take place on Saturday and Sunday. The weekend will be concluded by a great dinner and big celebration party!

Teams can register for 6 levels (A+, A-, B+, B-, C+ and C-) with A = competition; B =  advanced; C= recreational.

The fee this year will be ISK 8.000 for players and ISK 6.000 for companions. This includes entry fee (players), 2 x lunches, dinner and celebration party on Sunday evening.

Hosted housing will be offered between Friday and Monday. Our main aim is to host everyone who requires hosted housing; however, there is a limit to our resources so it will be offered on a “First come first served basis”.

Only complete teams may register (being max. 10 people with 6-8 players). For practical reasons, registration is limited to 54 teams

Registration deadline: February 2, 2007Payment deadline: February 16, 2006.You will receive confirmation after payment has been received.

Please register as soon as possible as:• Countries new to the tournament have been invited to participate to strengthen the international spirit of the tournament• We try to have an equal distribution of teams throughout all levels (please make sure you indicate a 2nd choice of level!)

Attached you will find the registration form and payment details. Please complete and return the form as soon as possible:• By e-mail: registration@eulevoto.net• By regular mail: KMK, Reykjavik 2007Flokagata 41105 ReykjavikIceland

If you have further questions, please contact us:  registration@eulevoto.net

Below you can find links to the registration form in .doc and .rtf format.

See you in Reykjavik!KMK

About usThe organizers of this years’ tournament are the players of KMK in Reykjavik with the help of friends and family. Icelandic participation started in Amsterdam 2004.

ContactsRegistration: registration@eulevoto.net

Hosted housing: easterdreams@eulevoto.net

Website: webmistress@eulevoto.net

EULEVOTO Amsterdam 2024
Registrations are closed