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2020 Paris

April 19, 2023

March 16th 2020 – Announcement

🏐   Tournoi Annulé  🏐

Dear players,

It is with great regret that we announce the decision taken today by the co-organizers of the Eulevoto 2020 tournament and the members of the governing board of the Contrepied volleyball association, to cancel the Paris edition of the EuLeVoTo which was to take place from 10 to 13 April.

In view of the latest government decisions and the mandatory conditions to limit the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the French territory, we are under the obligation to apply the rules for this event.

In addition, the successive decisions of the National Volleyball Federations FFVB and FSGT to cancel all sports matches in France ranging from the professional to the amateur level lend further weight to our decision.

Finally, the latest ministerial order issued yesterday (March 14, 2020) by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, chapter 2, stipulates that « any gathering, meeting or activity bringing together more than 100 people simultaneously in a closed or open environment, is prohibited on the territory of the Republic until April 15, 2020. «

Today’s special meeting resulted in several decisions, including that to reimburse the registration fee of all players and supporters. The treasurer of the association will soon send an e-mail to each team captain.

At this stage, we cannot take a position on proposing this tournament at a later date but will be sure to get back to you on this issue.

Very best,
Team EuLeVoTo Paris 2020

EULEVOTO Amsterdam 2024
Registrations are closed