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2008 Vienna

February 8, 2024

Marantana hosted the international ‘European Lesbian Volleyball Tournament (Eulevoto)’ from 21st to 24th March 2008 in Vienna. It has been a great pleasure – thanks again to all players, helpers and organisers!

Level A

1. Elbperlen
2. Netzo 1
3. Colonian Warmonists
4. BGS Poulettes
5. Baba Jaga
6. French Kiss
7. Die wahren Amazonen
8. Dynamo Dykes Won
9. Lila Funken
10. Tulips of Amsterdam

Level A+

1. Elbperlen
2. Netzo 1
3. BGS Poulettes
4. Tulips of Amsterdam

Level A-

1. Colonian Warmonists
2. Baba Jaga
3. French Kiss
4. Die wahren Amazonen
5. Dynamo Dykes Won
6. Lila Funken

Level B+

1. Queerpass Dresden
2. Towandas reloaded
3. Playmaids Icketown
4. Lady Groovitas
5. Marantana
6. las chicas
7. Rrasant
8. Cinderellas
9. Laika 05 (Team 1)

Level B-

1. BH de Luxe
2. Where is the nearest skipiste
3. Artemis 1
4. DDZ
5. Dom Effis
6. Kokolores
7. Happ Ich
8. NEA Zwolle
9. Lady Groovinas
10. Laika 05 (Team 2)
11. Nimm Du
12. Echten Amazonen

Level C

1. Futch & Bemme
2. Weiberkram
3. Homozen
4. Elbfeen
5. Netzo Melange
5. Wiener Melange
7. Norfolk ‘n’ Joke
8. BGS Huppeltrutten
9. Queen for tonight
10. Lady Groovettes
11. Al dente
12. DD Bad Bunnies

Level C+

1. Futch & Bemme
2. Weiberkram
3. Homozen
4. Elbfeen
5. Netzo Melange
6. Queen for tonight
7. Lady Groovettes
8. Al dente

Level C-

1. Wiener Melange
2. Norfolk ‘n’ Joke
3. BGS Huppeltrutten
4. DD Bad Bunnies


On Friday, March 21st, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Location: EGA, Windmühlgasse 26, 1060 Vienna.

At the registration each volleyball team receives a welcome package. There will be a meeting point for women who requested hosted-housing places. You can buy T-shirts, have your questions answered … so have a snack, some drinks and meet people there (again).

Welcome package
Each Volleyball team receives the welcome package which includes a booklet with important information, coupons for the packed lunch and water and more.

Like every year you can buy a volleyball tournament t-shirt. Different styles and colours are available; prices are 10 to 15 Euro.
You can buy it at the registration on Friday, at the award ceremony or at the party (subject to availability) on Sunday.


The tournament will be held in four levels (A, B+, B-, C) on Saturday and Sunday. Teams who registered in A+ and A- will play together in level A, the same for level C, where C+ and C- teams are playing together in one level. But there will be award ceremonies for the best ranked teams from six levels (A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, C-).

On Saturday the games start at 9.30 a.m., on Sunday at 9 a.m. All finals (A, B+, B-, C) are held on Sunday (beginning at 1.30 p.m.) in Rundhalle Kagran, Steigenteschgasse 1, as well as the award ceremonies (starting around 6 p.m.).

Teams and levels:
Level A+: Netzo 1, Elbperlen, BGS Poulettes, Tulips of Amsterdam.
Level A-: Colonian Warmonists, French Kiss, Dynamo Dykes Won, Lila Funken, Baba Jaga, Die wahren Amazonen.
Level B+: las chicas, Lady Groovitas, Queerpass Dresden, Rrasant, Playmaids Icketown, Cinderellas, DD CHAV, Laika 05 (Team 1), Towandas reloaded, Marantana.
Level B-: Lady Groovinas, Dom Effis, NEA Zwolle, Happ Ich, BH de Luxe, Artemis 1, Kokolores, Where is the nearest skipiste, Echten Amazonen, Nimm Du, DDZ, Laika 05 (Team 2).
Level C+: Lady Groovettes, Al dente, Elbfeen, Netzo Melange, Weiberkram, Futch & Bemme, Homozen, Queen for tonight.
Level C-: Norfolk ‘n’ Joke, BGS Huppeltrutten, DD Bad Bunnies, Wiener Melange.

The tournament takes place in four gyms:
Level A: Fritz Grassinger Halle, Tellgasse 3 in the 15th district
Level B+: Großfeldsiedlung, Pastorstraße 29 in the 21st district
Level B-: Rundhalle Rennbahnsiedlung, Lieblgasse 6 in the 22nd district
Level C: Rundhalle Kagran, Steigenteschgasse 1 in the 22nd district

Attention: Errors and omissions excepted. Changes are possible.

Vienna – Wien

We won’t tell you about Viennas history, the many historical and modern buildings or that the average Viennese citizen is said to be huffy. Here you will find some useful information, e.g. that our tap water comes from mountain springs (first-class drinking quality). Shops are closed on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday (except for train station, airport, gas station).

Detailed information about Vienna, sightseeing and events, city maps and the weather forecast can be found here: http://info.wien.at/


By car: The speed limit in Vienna (apart from motorways) is 50 km/h, in some (marked) areas 30 km/h. Parts of Vienna are short-term parking zones for which you require a prepaid parking voucher (Parkschein) – some districts on business days and some parts of the 15th district in the evening. More information: wien.at.

By plane: The Vienna International Airport is located outside of Vienna. There are different possibilities to get into town: Taxi, CAT, the cheaper S-Bahn or bus. More information you will find on the webpage of the airport.

Getting around

Bicycle: Hire a bike from any desired Citybike terminal, ride a bike and return it at any Citybike terminal. Bikes can be rented with credit cards (after previous registration via internet) or with the Citybike Tourist Card. For more information see www.citybikewien.at.

Taxi: The starting rate during the day is 2.50 Euro; at night (11 p.m. – 6 a.m.) and on Sundays and public holidays 2.60 Euro, surcharge for radio taxis: 2 Euro.

Public Transport: Vienna has a good public-transportation system. You will get tickets on bus or tram, at tobacconist’s, in advance via internet, at the underground stations at the ticket machine (but not on the underground itself). There are tickets for a single trip or for 24 or 72 hours for example (5.70 or 13.60 Euro). More information: www.wienerlinien.at


  • Registration on Friday evening (21st March)
  • Big party on Sunday, 23rd March: “ultimate sweat” from 9 p.m. till late!
    Location: Arena, Baumgasse 80, 1030 Vienna
    (near underground station U3 Erdberg)
  • NO dinner, but with late night snack (zeiler bio_cuisine).
    For lesbians, girlfriends and transgender. Free entrance.
  • Farewell Brunch on Monday (24th March)
    in Café Willendorf (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) and Café Standard (10.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.)

Concert tip: Mad’elles. Saturday, 22nd March.
Starting at 8 p.m. (entrance: 7.30 p.m.). Dancing night with DJane Chrissi starting at 10 p.m.
Location: Andino, Münzwardeingasse 2, 1060 Vienna (near underground station U4 Philadelphiabruecke).
10 Euro.

Apart from the official tournament program Vienna offers a lot of events and places to go. For example Easter Markets, the Accordion Festival or the exhibition showing the Golden Treasures from the Tomb of Tutankhamen.

Some links:
Café Standard: www.cafe-standard.at
Café Willendorf: www.cafe-willendorf.at
Frauencafé (Women’s Café): www.frauencafe.com
FZ-Bar (center for lesbians, women and girls): fz-bar.wolfsmutter.com
Marea Alta (Club for Lesbians, Gays & Queer People): http://www.marea-alta.at/

Official information and tips: http://info.wien.at/
Lesbian timetable: www.lesbian.or.at/events
Search for restaurants, cinemas, events and exhibitions: www.falter.at


Marantana, one of the two Viennese volleyball clubs for lesbians and girlfriends, is proud to organise the European Lesbian Volleyball Tournament 2008. Marantana was formed in 1990, when a couple of women started to play volleyball. One year later Marantana participated in a small lesbian tournament in Munich. From 1992 on we have attended almost every Easter Tournament as well as various Eurogames. Marantana is member of the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation.

The (each year fantastic) Easter tournament already took place in Vienna once: fourteen years ago, in 1994. Some of the organisers from then will also be present this year 🙂


EULEVOTO Amsterdam 2024
Registrations are closed